Fra Poecilia wiki
- Lebendgebärende Zierfische: Manfred K. Meyer, Lothar Wischnath, Wolfgang Foerster, Mergus-Verlag 1985
- Sverddragere og platyer: Andreas Tveteraas, Norsk Avarieforbund 1994
- Atlas of Livebeares of the World, Lothar Wischnath, T.F.H. Publications Inc, 1993
- Ungefødende Tandkarper (De små akvariebøger 6), Michael Dzwillo, J. Fr. Clausens Forlag 1967.
- Guppy-bogen, Jes Trøst Jørgensen, Borgen 1967
- Fakta om Guppyer, L. Whitney & P. Hähnel, Lademann 1976
- Fokus på Mollies, Kaj Mortensen og Sten Wellejus, FISH PHOTEX 1987
- Die Hochland-kärpflinge, Harro Hieronimus, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 1995
- Freshwater Fishes of México, Robert Rush Miller, The University of Chicago Press 2005
- Viviparous Fishes, edited by Mari Cramen Uribe and Harry J. Grier, New Life Publications 2005
- Viviparous Fishes II, edited by Mari Cramen Uribe and Harry J. Grier, New Life Publications 2010
- A selection of Freshwater Fish Biotopes in Mexico, Kai Qvist and Rune Evjeberg, 2009
- A selection of Freshwater Fish Biotopes in Mexico II - Yucatan Peninsula, Kai Qvist and Rune Evjeberg, 2011
- Poecilia Bladet (medlemsblad Poecilia Scandinavia)
- DGLZ Rundschau (medlemsblad DLGZ, Tyskland)
Videnskabelige artikler
Diverse (ikke sorteret)
- Kim Walther ROL 2014 (Registrations Of Livebearers)
- Poeser, Fred N.: From the Amazon river to the Amazon molly and back again.
- Meffe, Gary K. & Franklin, F. Snelson, Jr., Editors: Ecology and Evolution of Livebearing Fishes.
- Hieronymus, H.: Verzeichnis der Literatur über Lebendgebärende, Band I.
- Wischnath, L.: Atlas of livebearers of the world.
- Rauchenberger, M. 1988: Systematics and biogeography of the genus GAMBUSIA (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae). Am. Mus. Nov. 2951.
- Rauchenberger et al.: Monophyly and geography of the Rio Panuco-system swordtails with descriptions of four new species. Am. Mus. Nov. 2975.
- Jacobs, K.: Die Lebendgebärenden Fische der süssgewässer.
- Brembach, M.: Lebendgebärende Halbschnäbler.
- M. Kemkes and F. Schäfer; AQUALOG Alle Lebendgebärenden und Halbschnäbler / All Livebearers and Halfbeaks
- Baensch, H. A. & Riehl, R.: Mergus Aquarien Atlas 1-3.
- Meisner, Amy Downing: Phylogenetic systematics of the viviparous halfbeak genera Dermogenys and Nomorhamphus (Teleostei: Hemiramphidae: Zenarchopterinae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (2001), 133: 199–283
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